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What is EM?

EM™ is a coined from the words “Effective Microorganisms™” by Professor Dr. Teruo Higa, who developed EM™. EM™ consists of a wide variety of effective, beneficial and non-pathogenic microorganisms produced through a natural process and not chemically synthesized or genetically engineered. It comes in a liquid form. EM™ has a broad application. EM™ has no adverse effects on and is beneficial to plants, animals, and humans. Very simply put, EM™ lives off our waste while we live off “their waste”. Their waste simply translates to a healthy environment for us in which EM™ becomes inactivated, therefore, a mutual existence can be had. EM™ only creates the condition for best results, that is, the users should nurture the condition and provide the resources for EM™ to perform optimally. Microorganisms exist naturally throughout the environment from rock crevices to our internal organs. In our present day environment, putrefactive microorganisms, those types responsible for the rotting of organic matter to maladies in organisms, dominate much of the sphere of the microorganisms. EM™ has the potential, given the conditions, to suppress the putrefactive microorganisms and dominate this sphere and creates re-animated surroundings, that is, organics are transformed through the process of fermentation as opposed to putrefaction, and living organisms, as well as, inorganic materials are enabled with the means to impede deterioration. Deterioration is here meant the activity of active oxygen or free-radicals through which organisms degenerate and inorganic materials corrode, as in iron rusting. EM™ can thus, also, be considered as an antioxidant.

Microorganisms in EM

When mentioning the word microorganism or bacteria, one may imagine harmful germs. However the microorganisms used in EM•1® production (Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, Phototrophic Bacteria) exclude any pathogenic and genetically modified microorganisms that are harmful to humans, animals and plants. EM•1® consists only of safe microorganisms that have been used, either intentionally or unintentionally, since ancient times.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria is, taxonomically, a generic term for bacteria that convert large amounts of sugars into lactic acid through lactic acid fermentation. Through the production of lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria also inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and other various microorganisms by lowering the pH. Lactic acid bacteria are widely known in the production of fermented foods such as cheese and yogurt that can be naturally preserved for a long period of time. Ever since Louis Pasteur discovered lactic acid bacteria in 1857, it has been noted for its beneficial effects on health and longevity. Recent research indicates that besides regulating the intestines, lactic acid bacteria also are known for being involved in immunostimulatory activity; having antioncotic properties; their antimutagenicity; lowering cholesterol; and for having a hypertensive effect.


Known as a fermentation starter, yeast is a microorganism necessary for the brewing of alcohol and the making of bread. Yeast was discovered by the Dutch merchant Antony Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), who first discovered the world of microorganisms. Taxonomically, yeast is a eukaryotic. It differs from fungus in that it generally is unicellular throughout its life. Within the microbial world it is a small group of microorganisms, yet it is essential for human life. Yeast live in sugar-rich environments such as in nectar and the surface of fruits. In EM•1®, yeast produces many biologically active agents such as amino acids and polysaccharides.

Phototrophic Bacteria

Phototrophic bacteria (also known as photosynthetic bacteria) are an ancient type of bacteria in existence from before the Earth had its present concentration of oxygen. As its name indicates, these bacteria utilize solar energy to metabolize organic and inorganic substances. Phototrophic bacteria exist in rice fields and lakes, and everywhere on Earth. In practical terms, the potential of phototrophic bacteria is particularly seen in the environmental fields. Because it decomposes organic materials well, among these applications is its use in wastewater treatment. Research has also reported on its effectiveness in applied use in agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry. Research is also underway in its use in hydrogen production and its ability to decompose persistent substances. Phototrophic bacteria are involved in various metabolic systems, and play a major role in nitrogen cycling and carbon cycling. Because this role allows the other microorganisms in EM•1® to coexist, phototrophic bacteria are the essential element of EM•1®

EM in Ecosystem

There are a variety of different fermented foods available for our dairy diet. Most of them are said to have been accidentally produced or discovered in history. Yogurt was, for example, unintentionally produced by fermenting milk in goat skin bags carried by Balkan tribes thousands of years ago. Cheese, wine, leaven bread likewise went through accidental discoveries to become known. Yeast and some specific microorganisms are mainly responsible for food fermentation and exist all around in air, in water and on our body. Although such environment as fermentative microorganisms is superior in number from the perspective of our food consumption, fermentative microorganisms oxidizing microorganisms which decompose organic matter are, in fact, more dominant in the air full of oxygen and oxidative decomposition usually results in putrefaction. The density of microorganisms in the soil and the water is much higher than in the air and the ecological condition in the soil and the water hugely depends on what types of microorganisms dominate there. For example, crops tend to be diseased and insect pests can be swarming in the field where putrefactive bacteria are dominant. On the contrary, crops grow wholesomely in the field where fermentative microorganisms(effective microorganisms) are dominant. reference
What can we do if the field condition is the former? It is the key to the solution to change the diversity of microorganisms so as to make effective microorganisms dominant. This is where EM™ can its abilities into full play. More than one hundred to one thousand of microorganisms live in one gram of soil and, as a matter of fact, it’s impossible for EM™ to be superior in number. What actually happens with application of EM™ is that EM™ stimulate native microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic, and make them work in cooperation with EM™ in a good way for environment. EM technology™ is based on the idea of coexistence with native and originally-dominant microorganisms, not exclusion of them.

Activated EM•1®

You can protagate EM•1® by mixing it with molasses, which can be a good feed for the microorganisms in EM•1®. 1 litre of EM•1® can be made into 20 litres of Activated EM•1®. In EM•1® applications, increasing the density of beneficial microbial populations in each environment, such as in soil, water, and organic matter, is the key to achieving good results with EM•1® applications. We recommend you to frequently apply EM•1® by utilizing Activated EM•1® as Activated EM•1® can be used in the same way as the original EM•1® so that you can achieve your goal efficiently and economically.

How to make ACTIVATED EM•1® (AEM)


To prepare 20 parts of Activated EM•1®(AEM) from 1 part of EM•1® you will need:

  1. An airtight plastic bottle or container or large tank *
  2. Sugar Cane Molasses (blackstrap) . 5% of the total volume**
  3. EM•1® . 5% of the total volume
  4. Water ***

Please wash container throughly. Please do not use a glass bottle or container to avoid rupturing the container caused by gas production during the fermentation process. From about the second day on, gas may form as a result of the fermentation process. Loosen the cap and release the gas as needed. Try to use activated EM•1® within 7 days after the pH drops below 3.8. **Do not use molasses containing preservatives. Also, some molasses may be contaminated with undesirable microbes (i.e., mold growing on the surface). In this case you can boil the molasses before use. Use blackstrap molasses due to its high mineral content, which makes it good for activating EM•1®. But if you use other sugar sources such as white sugar, please add a mineral source such as a natural sea salt (0.05 – 0.1% of total volume). ***Rain water, well water, tap water and commercially distilled water can be used. The cleanest possible water is highly recommended. When using tap water, first dissolve the molasses in it in order to lessen the harmful effects of chlorine. Water quality is an important factor to prepare quality Activated EM•1®. Tools to help the preparation process:

  1. A funnel reference http://www.emro-asia.com
  2. Ameasuring cup and spoon
  3. pH paper to check the pH level


Case-1: Making Activated EM•1® in a 1 liter plastic bottle Add water to fill 80% of the plastic bottle

  1. Add water to fill 80% of the plastic bottle
  2. Then add 50ml(1.7oz) of molasses and 50ml(1.7oz) of EM•1® in the bottle
  3. Shake the bottle to dissolve the molasses. Top off with water
  4. Cap the bottle tightly and keep in a warm place.

Case-2: Making Activated EM•1® in a 5 gallon plastic container

  1. Add water to fill 50% of the plastic container
  2. Then add 1 liter (32 oz) of molasses and 1 liter (32 oz) of EM•1® in the bottle*
  3. Shake the container to dissolve the molasses and top off the container with warm water.
  4. Cap the container tightly and keep in a warm place
  5. Dissolve the molasses with warm or hot water before adding it to the container. This makes the preparation easier.

Case-3: Making Activated EM•1® in a 1,000 liter (264 gal.) tank

  1. Add water to fill 50% of the tanks
  2. Then add 50 liters (13 gallons) of molasses and 50 liters (13 gallons) of EM•1® to the tank*
  3. Add water again to fill up the tank, eliminating excess airspace.
  4. Cap the tank tightly and keep in a warm place.
  5. Dissolve the molasses with warm or hot water before adding it to the tank. This makes the preparation easier.


EM likes warm conditions. A suitable temperature for fermentation (propagation) of EM•1® is from 30°C to 40°C (from 86°F to 104°F). In the winter, and other times when the temperature is low, after making the Activated EM•1® (dissolving the molasses in hot water), place the EM next to a radiator, space heater, or other warm device, or even wrap it in a blanket or an insulator, in order to promote EM fermentation.

When is Activated EM•1® ready to use?

Activated EM•1® is ready to use, 4 – 7 days after preparing it, when the pH of Activated EM•1® drops below 4.0 (ideally it has a pH between 3 – 3.5), and when it has a sweet-sour smell and has changed color from black to reddish brown. However, please note that there will be some variation in the results of the fermentation of Activated EM•1® due to factors such as; the quality of the water and molasses, the amount of EM•1® and molasses, and temperature differences (water during mixing, room temperature).


Ideally, it is best to use Activated EM•1® within a week after Activated EM•1® is ready (after the pH is below 4.0). The effective microorganisms in Activated EM•1® are very active and powerful during this period. You can use Activated EM•1® for up to one month after it is ready. However, the microbial effects of Activated EM•1® are not as great as when it is “young”.


Activated EM•1® should be kept in an expandable air-tight container to keep it anaerobic. Store Activated EM•1® at room temperature 20°C to 30°C (from 68°F to 86°F). Refrigeration is not necessary. In containers that are not totally airtight, a white layer of yeast bacteria may form on the surface. Since this may lead to putrefaction, remove the layer as needed and transfer to a container that can be closed tightly. If stored Activated EM•1® has a foul smell or the pH rises above 4.0, thesolution could be contaminated with undesirable microbes and should be discarded. It is fine to pour this material on a long-term compost pile.

Many Uses for Activated EM•1®: From domestic use to Cleaning up the environment

  1. Improving soil quality for healthy plants.
  2. Eliminating foul odors.
  3. Keeping your drain clean. EM•1® can benefit agriculture, clean the environment, and improve our life
  4. EM•1® eliminates odors so, it can be used for cleaning in the home.
  5. Dilute EM•1® or Activated EM•1® with water (1:500 dilution) then use it for cleaning.
  6. A half cup in the washing machine can help clean the clothes.
  7. The EM•1® in the water draining into your pipes will work on cleaning the sewer lines.
  8. A half cup in a vaporizer will remove odors in the home (cigarettes, wet dog smell, food).
  9. Clean the bathroom with it too. Have spray bottle handy and spray into the sink, shower, and toilet after each use. (1:500 dilution).

Agricultural Applications of EM•1®

One of the main uses of EM•1® in agriculture is soil improvement by applying large amounts of Activated EM•1®. Large amounts of Activated EM•1® can be prepared by utilizing a large tank. By applying large quantities of Activated EM•1® to the soil from the land preparation stage, the soil will have a strong microbial anti-oxidation condition. This will result in higher quality crops. Recently in Japan an EM•1® activation unit (see photograph) has been developed to produce large amounts of high quality Activated EM•1® with a low labor cost. Grassroots movements to clean up riversa and oceans using activated EM•1® In recent years the water pollution of rivers, oceans, and lakes from sewage and agrochemicals has become a major problem. In order to restore a clean environment, grassroots citizen movements have come about all over Japan to apply EM technology to cleaning the environment. These projects are setting up tanks to make Activated EM•1® near rivers and the ocean and are applying Activated EM•1® continuously to clean up sludge along shorelines to improve the local ecosystem and to improve the water quality. In Japan these EM environmental activities have been reported in newspapers and magazines worldwide.


Secondary Activated EM•1® cannot be made by using Activated EM•1®, because the definition of “EM” is defined as the co-existence and coupling of the 3 beneficial microorganism groups, lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria, and yeast in a solution. The balance of lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria and yeast is an important factor for the EM product. Therefore, if you make secondary Activated EM•1® from Activated EM•1®, it is no longer EM•1® as it is unbalanced and un-coupled lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria and yeast. This is true even if the solution’s pH drops below 3.5. Calling it an Activated low acid bacterial solution is more accurate. But, it cannot be called “EM•1®” or “Activated EM•1®”.

EM Bokashi

EM Bokashi is fermented organic material made from EM, molasses, water and an inexpensive organic (high carbon) material such as rice or wheat bran, sawdust, dried leaves, etc. The EM Bokashi will ferment the food waste, preventing it from rotting, and therefore eliminate odor or the attraction to flies.

how to make EM bokashi


  1. 2 buckets with easy to open lids
  2. EM Bokashi
  3. Food waste


  1. Sprinkle a small amount of EM Bokashi on the bottom.
  2. Add food waste (meat and dairy are fine, try to keep out extra moisture like, milk, etc.)
  3. Sprinkle EM Bokashi on the food waste enough to cover it.
  4. Incorporate the EM Bokashi into the new food waste to coat it with EM Bokashi.
  5. After the bucket is full (which generally takes one week for two-three people), let it sit,
  6. tightly closed, for at least one week to ferment. (Allowing it sit longer is fine, just make sure the materials aren’t too moist. This will cause rotting and odor.)
  7. After fermenting, bury the contents and cover with at least 8 inches of soil so as not to attract animals.
  8. After another two weeks, you can plant directly into the soil.
  9. Follow steps 1-6 above.
  10. Incorporate the materials from the bucket into your compost pile, covering with at least 8 inches of compost materials.
  11. Turn the compost pile as you normally would. The materials from the bucket with boost the anaerobic bacteria in your compost and add valuable vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids to your compost materials. EM also encourages the growth of other beneficial microbes and prevents putrefaction in the compost pile.
  12. Check to make sure you are putting enough EM Bokashi in the bucket. You should be averaging about 3lbs. per 5 gallon bucket.
  13. Check to make sure the lid is always closed tightly. When air enters during the fermentation stage, unwanted microbes can enter and begin putrefying the food waste.
  14. Add a handful of table sugar and incorporate into the food waste. Wait a day and check for foul odor.
  15. It still smells. For a 5 gallon bucket, mix a small batch (one Liter) of pre-activated EM1(1:1:20) and pour into bucket. Incorporate and let it sit overnight. Bury contents or incorporate into an existing compost pile.

EM™ Mudballs

reference http://www.emro-asia.com EM™ Mudballs are made of dried mud into which EM™ Bokashi and Activated EM•1® have been kneaded. They are used to clean up bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans where there are concentrated deposits of sludge and slime.

How to make EM™ Mudballs

Basic Materials:

  1. Dirt. It is usually best to use clay-like dirt that can easily be formed into balls.
  2. Activated EM•1® (AEM).
  3. Molasses (At 10% the volume of the Activated EM•1®. For example, use 7 Tbs of molasse for 1 liter/quart of Activated EM•1®.)
  4. EM™ Bokashi.
  5. EM·X® Ceramics Powder. (In Japan, EM Super Cera® Ferment C or Terra C is used.)

How to use EM™ Mudballs

  1. Use EM™ Mudballs in river bottoms and mud flats where slime has accumulated. Use one EM™ Mudball for each square meter of surface area.
  2. Use EM™ Mudballs once each season until results are seen.
  3. Cleaning up oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds requires the application of EM™ into the water through a variety of methods. It is recommended that Activated EM•1® also be regularly applied into the water to supplement the use of EM™ Mudballs. Ratio of materials
  4. When using dirt only: 10 parts dirt + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  5. When using dirt and EM™ Bokashi: 8 parts dirt to 2-4 parts EM™ Bokashi + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  6. 8 parts dirt to 1-3 parts EM™Bokashi + Special EM™ Bokashi for EM™ Mudballs + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  7. When using dirt and mud from mud flats: 5 parts dirt to 5 parts mud flat mud + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).
  8. When using dirt and mud from mud flats and EM™ Bokashi: 9 parts dirt to 9 parts mud from mud flats + 1 part EM™ Bokashi + Activated EM•1® (AEM) + EM·X® Ceramics Powder (optional).


  1. Since the water content of the dirt and mud used will vary, the amount of Activated EM•1® (AEM) will vary as well. As a general rule, though, if for instance you produce 3.5 – 4 gallons of material you will need approximately 1 liter/quart of Activated EM•1® (AEM). Always be sure to have enough Activated EM•1® (AEM) on hand in case it is needed. If you use it up, you can add extra water instead (don’t be afraid to use a lot of Activated EM•1®).
  2. The amount of optional EM·X® Ceramics Powder will be between 0.5-1.0% of the total amount. For example, for 2.5 gallons of material this will equal 3.5 – 7 Tbs of EM·X® Ceramics Powder.